Klantentevredenheidsenquête 2024

How would you rate your overall experience with our company/product/service? *

0 = Very poor ; 10 = Excellent

To what extent would you recommend us to others? *

0 = Very poor ; 10 = Excellent

How satisfied are you with the ability to find all your supplies with us?  *

0 = Very poor, 10 = Excellent

How important is it to you that we have an extensive range of products?  *

0 = Very poor, 10 = Excellent

How satisfied are you with the advice we offer you? *

0 = Very poor; 10 = Excellent

How important is this advice to you? *

0 = Very poor; 10 = Excellent

How easy do you find it to do business with us? (accessibility, flexibility, problem solving) *

0 = Very poor; 10 = Excellent

How important do you think it is that it is easy to do business with us?  *

0 = Very poor; 10 = Excellent
